Paul DiGiovanni Fansite
Paying It Forward This Pooliechristmakwanzakuh
So when i was reading and posting stuff on the BLG boards I got the idea of making a Pooliechristmakwanzakuh card with a picture of Marty J's scrunchy face smile on the front of the card and since alot of the awesome boardies like the idea i decided to make some for them if they want one. You dont need to pay for it this is just a way im paying it forward to my awesome friend boardies in So if you want one you have to be a BLG boardie and enter so go to the "Cards!!!" page to do so.
Poolie's 21st Birthday!!!!!!! (Jan. 20, 2009) |
Poolie Project
Paul's birthday is coming and we're making him a special gift for his 21st. The gift will be a scrapbook made out of all of us Poolie fans' letters/art/pics anything actually as long as it shows your appreciation for Paul. I will be the one who will be putting it together so you guys will be sending it to me through mail or if it's just a letter you could e-mail it. If you'd like to join our project. Go to the "Poolie Project" page and enter.
Read Between The Lines (Boys Like Girls' Tour DVD) OUT NOW!!!
Boys Like Girls' first tour DVD is out now!
This DVD is the 100mins long. The DVD features the story of the band since the beggining and also includes interviews with the band! and lots more awesome things you shouldnt miss! Especially Poolie's interview!
It is available everywhere! You may also buy their DVD online.